Increase Performance and Operational Efficiency Through High-Performance
Energy is a person’s most valuable currency. Energy supplies optimal health, which is the connector for getting the highest results out of each area of life.
Your employee’s energy is a premium investment, not an expense. Unfortunately, the narrative above is often flipped the other way around in too many companies.
In the pursuit of more profits, many organizations, executives, business owners and high achievers will end up sacrificing the physical and mental health of their team for the growth of their business and initiatives.
Working at a breakneck pace without proper attention to energy begins to take a toll on a person’s body (and most importantly, their relationships). It is not the path to high- performance.
Lethargy. Poor sleep. Hormonal imbalances. Foggy cognition. Irritability. Crumbling relationships. This is a recipe that leads to an organization imploding from the inside.
“For every employee, companies are losing $1,400 per employee due to fatigue according to a Sleep Matters Initiative at Brigham Health for the National Safety Council (NSC).”
Your employees know they should eat healthier. Your employees know they should exercise more often. They know they should prioritize sleep. They understand how, theoretically, how to create high-performance.
Despite this knowledge, having support and education about each area of high- performance and energy management gives them the tools they’ll need to succeed.
When they succeed, it has a direct impact on your bottom line. The mission of an organization should be to help motivated employees create more energy and move at a faster pace while living a more productive life.
****Let’s talk about how we can help create a healthier, more productive, and happier workforce. Shannon****
On a grand scale, your organization’s mission is to educate, train, and support your employees by helping them create more-than-enough energy and build the optimal high-performance needed to make their greatest impact on every part of your company.
Your new paradigm is one where you create a team of high-performers at work. All of this leads to a team that’s independent, focused, energized, and committed to their growth and the growth of your organization.
When you create this kind of team and empower your employees through wellness initiatives, the stats tell a story:
- Reduced sick leave absenteeism (an average 27 percent reduction according to the American Journal of Health Promotion). • Reduced healthcare costs (a 26 percent reduction in costs according to the American Journal of Health Promotion). • Improved productivity (an 8 percent increase in each employee’s productivity according to a 2005 National Business Group on Health report). • Less work-related stress (up to 12 percent less likely to experience health issues
from work-related stress according to a 2015 study by The Economist Intelligence Unit & Humana) • Increased employee morale and engagement in your companies mission and goals (up to 67 percent according to a 2015 study by The Economist Intelligence Unit & Humana). • Improved employee retention (45 percent of employees agree that an employer-
sponsored wellness program would encourage them to stay in their current position reported in a Principal Financial Well-Being Index in 2013).
Building a higher performing company starts by building a strong foundation and educating your employees on the key principles and habits for optimum performance— and that’s where I come in.
My name is Shannon Graham. I’m an award-winning, highly-certified high-performance leadership consultant.
With over 16 years of experience in leadership, high-performance and energy- management, I can help improve every aspect of your organization’s operations.
I’ve worked with many different types of organizations to implement high performance strategies.
My approach is holistic. I’ve trained organizations and individuals and have impact over two-million people.
High-performance training is a great return on investment—for every $1 spent equals an ROI of $5.81 according to the American Journal of Health Promotion.
My Consulting Services Make High-Performance Possible
I understand that every company is unique. I also understand that one-size-fits all programs are not effective or sustainable and not every organization is looking to offer a comprehensive high-performance program.
That is why I offer flexible ones options and stand-alone services to meet your needs and budget, no matter the size of your company.
With our hands-on, consultative approach, I leverage decades of experience and best practices to help companies create programs that will maximize overall employee health, performance, and engagement while providing long term savings for your organization.
So whether you need one, two, or all of my services—I can customize a solution that works for you.
Comprehensive VIP service for executives, department heads, and teams that need consulting support with increased availability. Providing preventative training, on- demand analysis, and high-performance strategy education.
A customized assessment and feedback process that gives you a snapshot of organizational behaviors and conversations that are driving or eroding trust in regards to training and high-performance.
I offer full and half day workshops on the following topics:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Creating a Healthy Work Environment
- High-Performance Energy
- Leadership Development
- The Leader’s Mindset
- The Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Mental Master—Using Mindfulness and Stronger Mindset Strategy
- Optimizing Sleep
****Let’s talk about how we can help create a healthier, more productive, and happier workforce. Shannon****